Kristina Gau: | Drying methods for a waterlogged antler artefact using the sample of a Neolithic antler axe with wooden remains from the lake of Biel | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | Theme of this thesis is the creation of a conservation concept for a waterlogged Neolithic antler axe with preserved remains of the wooden handle from the lake of Biel, Canton of Bern. The thesis deals with the research of possible drying methods and conservation procedures for preserving artifacts of antler and wood. It places an emphasis on the material specific properties of antler and wood, and the well-known conservation status of antler artifacts from underwater excavations before and after recovery. As a result of the research and the practical experiments a conservation concept for the antler axe with preserved remains of the wooden handle is presented that can be applied for comparable artifacts as well. It is the preservation with glycerol, which has been tested on samples from genuine antler |
Schlagworte: | Neolithic antler axe, waterlogged antler, waterlogged wood, Pyrit, glycerol, sucrose |
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Kristina Gau |
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Eine überarbeitete Version meiner Diplomarbeit steht jetzt als Download bereit. Bei Fragen zu meiner Arbeit, den Korrespondenzen bzw. bei Anmerkungen würde ich mich sehr über eine Nachricht freuen. |
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | 10.5165/hawk-hhg/98 |
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