Sarah Sittig: | The loss of book covers on medieval codices. Historic, aesthetic and conservational problems on the example of Hildesheim's St Albans Psalter | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The problems involved in the loss of book covers on medieval codices are illustrated on the example of the 12th century St Alban's Psalter (Hildesheimer Albani-Psalter) in historic, aestethic and conservational categories. The book cover of a codex is frame and protection at the same time for the book block. Moreover, it is a source of historic information and also an important part of the aesthetic of the object. Because of this, its loss means it has been severely damaged and, in extreme cases, can lead to the total loss of the codex. Therefore, a new book cover must be made. Since there is no certain information about the original book cover, the new binding is only possible based on theoretical considerations which include the facsimile of the Albani-Psalter (2007). Three options seem to be adequate. |
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