Henrike Mall: | Pablo Picasso’s Un violon accroché au mur, 1913 – analysis of the damage and methodical approach to limit conservative measures on a sand application - | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The surface of the cubist painting Un violon accroché au mur, 1913 by Pablo Picasso has in some parts relief-like elevations which are damaged. These elements giving the painting its characteristic structure consist of a material comparable with sand which has become damaged because of lacking cohesion. With the literature research and by analytic examinations about the phenomenon of damage it will be demonstrated how possible measures of conservation of sand-applications can be found. In the second part of the paper proposals for convenient materials and techniques of conservation basing on experiments will be made in order to stabilize the structurally damaged sand-applications. |
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Die Hochschule Bern bietet den Volltext dieser Hochschularbeit auf der Seite http://www.hkb.bfh.ch/2015.html zum Download an. |
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