Michele Cristale: | The system of care of a collection of ten portable medicine chests from the 19th century located at the Deutsches Apothekenmuseum | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The system of care of a collection of ten portable medicine chests was developed both by looking at them from a cultural historical perspective and by finding a conservation managment for their conservation treatment. The poratble medicine chests originate from the 19th century and are located at the Deutsches Apothekenmuseum in Heidelberg. Part I describes the historical context of the medical care from emergency cases to portable domestic, travel, and ship medicine chests. Supply inventory of allopathic and homoeopathic drugs were stored in ornate and/or functional designed medicine chests. Part II focuses on developing a conservation proposal for the collection. A description of the objects with the support of an image editing software and a condition assessment has been undertaken, emphasizing similarities and special features. After considering the ethical issues involved in conservation a final treatment strategy was determined and executed in sample. |
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