
Petra Arent: The Römhilder Kästchen from the St. Annen Museum in Lübeck. Technological research and develpopment of a restoration concept with particular reference to the material alabaster Zurück
Sprache: Original   -   Übersetzung
Zusammenfassung: The Römhilder Kästchen is a little box with small ebonized wooden boxes decorated with alabaster in the decorative style of a high Renaissance chest. The box is in a fairly damaged condition. It shows damage in the material spouce of wood, alabaster, paper and in the layers of colour. Special consideration is given to the working material alabaster as the dominating formative element. The work includes investigations into the history of the working material, a crafting techniques, as well as the cleaning and the complementation of alabaster. In addition, comprehensive scientific and technological investigation into particular materials were conducted. The art-historical research comprises descent, time of origination, function and significance of the Kästchen. On the base of the knowledge this obtained, comprehensive conception of the restauration was developed. This conception provides the basis of the conservation and restauration of the above-named object.


weitere Angaben:
  • Hochschule: HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • Art der Arbeit:  Diplomarbeit
  • Erstprüfer/in:  Prof. Hans Michaelsen
  • Zweitprüfer/in:  Dr. Bettina Zöller-Stock
  • Abgabedatum:  1998
  • Sprache:  German
  • Seitenzahl:  174
  • Abbildungen:  136

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