Regina Knaller: | A Group of Central Asian woolen Textiles in the Abegg-Stiftung | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | Tapestry weavings with figurative patterns, mostly stylised depictions of animals, form the majority of a group of 46 central Asian woolen textiles in the Abegg-Stiftung, apart from some braided fabrics and cloth. Following a historical introduction each piece is extensively described and compared to other pieces that are grouped together in the catalogue section. The results of technical analyses are shown in a table. The possibilities for conservation as well as methods used for cleaning and stabilisation were tested on four sample fragments. Together with a series of experiments they offer valuable clues for the conservation of the entire group. A summary presents an overview of the results and information gained from the project. |
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Anfragen zur Arbeit richten Sie bitte an/ for information about this thesis please contact: Abegg-Stiftung Werner Abegg-Strasse 67 CH-3132 Riggisberg, Schweiz Tel.: 0041 (0)31 808 12 01 Fax: 0041 (0)31 808 12 00 E-Mail: info@abegg-stiftung.ch Homepage: www.abegg-stiftung.ch |
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