Astrid Quast: | The post-discovery effects of man-made forces on archaeological objects in Egypt. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | This thesis is about all forces involved with the preservation of an object after its discovery on an excavation site. In order to follow a systematic method of research, several categories were built up. These categories are mainly divided into two sectors. One is called "actual palpability", and the other "super ordinate effects". In the past, most of the studies talking about man-made forces focused on the first sector. The author of this thesis decided to write about the second sector because it seemed to be the basis of all degrading factors, like tourism, climate changes or illegal archaeology. Since concern for preventive conservation is increasing strongly nowadays, the decision to write about these aspects is innovative. The only way to reach this goal is interdisciplinary cooperation and to educate the local populations, particularly those who work in direct contact with ancient monuments, about the history and importance of these objects. This would lead finally to the preservation of cultural heritage. In Egypt this is even more important: it is about protecting world cultural heritage. |
Schlagworte: | Excavation, Egypt, Aechaeology |
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Kontakt: |
Astrid Quast astridquast@[Diesen Teil loeschen]web.de |
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