Stephanie Schröder: | The microbiological degradation of resized wood pulp paper. Investigations with celluloseethers and gelatine. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The thesis deals with the microbiological degradation of resized wood pulp paper. There is given an overview of paper making, paper chemistry as well as chemical and microbiological paper degradation followed by a description of the commonly used sizing agents celluloseethers and gelatine concerning chemical and physical properties. There is also given an overview of paper washing, deacidification and resizing. The influence of selected sizing agents on the mechanical properties of the testpaper is investigated. The investigation contains tensile strength, tensile strength after folding and zeor-span-tensile strength. For the microbiological investigation the samples are inoculated with selected microorganisms and examined by optical methods as well as by ATP-measuring. The thesis concludes with a summary of the results and gives a prospect for further research in this field. |
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