Thomas Grünewald: | Description of the working methods of cabinet makers around 1600. Observations with regard to techniques and construction of selected epitaphs with specific reference to Jakob Demler’s epitaph. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The first part of this thesis deals with the written and visual documentation for the conservation and restoration of the epitaph of Jakob Demler of Herrenberg, who died in 1606. The epitaph is made of wood and is polychrome painted. The epitaph is constructed on a basic frame and out of a large number of single parts. In general, the original polychromy and paint layers are wellpreserved. Besides damage to the wooden support and minor deterioration of the polychromy and paint layers the overall appearance of the epitaph has been impaired mainly by the extensive and uneven application of a coat of oil and resin which it was possible to remove partially during the process of restoration. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the techniques used by cabinet makers around 1600. Remarks on the working conditions and working methods of the cabinet makers, and their tools and patterns, are supplemented by observations on technique and construction of selected epitaphs from Wuerttemberg. |
Schlagworte: | Epitaph - inscriptions, Herrenberg/Wuerttemberg, partial varnish removal, wood glueing, wood additions, cabinet makers around 1600, cabinet makers’ tools, wooden joints, epitaph constructions, epitaph polychromy. |
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