Christiane Matz: | Conservation and restoration of Middle Ages glas objects | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This study comprises two parts.The first describes and documents the conversation and restoration of three late medieval hollow-cast glass vessels. They were recovered from a sewer in the cloister complex Brenkhausen. The essential process of glass corrosion and the problems they cause for the conservator are characterized. This discussion is supplemented by a historical outline of the development of late medieval glass and its production. The second part of the study describes and evaluates an experiment to determine the efficiency of consolidation media and methodology for conserving corroded glass. The practicality of each is a primary consideration in the experiment. The results achieved are more precise than those previusly known, necessiating revision of the previewing attitudes toward glass conservation. |
Schlagworte: | Late Middle Ages, hollow-cast glas vessel, sewer, consolidation media |
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