Liesa Grunow: | „... à prendre le tabac avec grâce ...“ - Konzeptentwicklung für die Konservierung und Restaurierung einer emaillierten Tabatiére unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Altrestaurierung | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The aim of this study was the development of conservation and restoration measures for an enamelled tobacco tin. The tin stems from the collections of the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts. The lid had been broken and has been fixed with the help of dextrin paste at some point in its past. The adhisiv has left a visible trace which over the years has taken on a green color due to the absorption of copper hydroxide from the metal of the tin. A series of tests has been executed by which the uncommon phenomenon could successfully be reproduced. The findings from the tests have allowed to evaluate the effects (of the past repair work) on the state of the object and to develop a concept for the preservation of the cultural asset. |
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