Felix Wilhelm: | The development of the stacking chair in the 20th century and the problem of museum presentation and storage | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | In the 20th century stackable chairs have reached our lifes on a daily basis in variety of models. Without a doubt they are part of the history of seating furniture and belong to museums collections in a variety of models and numbers. There principle of space saving storage meanwhile is selfexplaining to us so that actions of preventive conservation were not thought of. A survey in collections and museums made clear that damage has been noticed and that there is a need to take action. There was an opportunity to work out a conservation concept for 5 chairs Verner Panton designed for THONET in 1965. To expand the concept on other models in collections the treatment on other stackable chairs and there preventive conservation for further damage is taken care of as well. |
Schlagworte: | stacking, Design, Designhistory, Thonet, vitra, Fritz Hansen, artek, Wilkhahn |
![]() Tadeshi_Kawamata_Les_Chaises_de_Traverse_1998 Metz_France_Reproduktion_DAMn°28_2011_Photos©Leo_van_der_Kleji
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Kontakt: |
Felix Wilhelm 30451 Hannover wilhelm.felix@[Diesen Teil loeschen]googlemail.com |
Anmerkung Autor/in: |
Die Hochschularbeit besteht neben dem Textteil aus einer Zeitleiste der Entwicklung des Stapelstuhls im 20.Jahrhundert ANHANG I Artikel ,Stuhl auf Stuhl - Stapelstühle‘ erschienen im MD Nr.5, 1986 ANHANG II Werbeanzeigen der letzten 50 Jahre ANHANG III Zeitungsanzeigen und Skizzen ANHANG K Korrespondenz Informationsaustausch zwischen Museen, Herstellern und Institutionen |
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